This morning I was sitting cross legged on a straw mat at a beach front restaurant. A coffee sat in front of me on a low, thai style, table. The view was breath taking. The sky and the ocean were different shades of the same brilliant blue. Paper lanterns around me blew gently from side to side in the cool sea breeze. Sand glowed and people glowed back. Whilst I sat I jotted down the following:
...Today is our last day on Koh Phangan. It is a bit sad to say goodbye. Stef has told me she will miss it here and I suspect I will as well. It is hard to explain exactly how intimate it is here. The particular beach we are staying at is about as far away from the main port of Koh Phangan as you can get. It is personal here. Everyone (except for the transvestite who runs this internet cafe - sorry but its true) is generous with their time and their smiles. The staff at the restaurants Stef and I frequent recognise us, and they greet us warmly when we sit down. The small size of this particular beach has made it cosy. So quickly we settled in...
But, as much as I love it here I am ready to leave. I'm a little restless and Ko Toa is beckoning. Yesterday I got so excited about the prospect of diving that I dreamt about it. Although I also dreamt about the lizard in our room falling on me - not so enthusiastic about that happening.
We have met a few people here, although only a couple I feel I have really connected with. Most are the kind of people you can drink with but that is about it. Stef claims we have met the most cliched English backpackers in Thailand, I agree. But they are good value (: One thing I am particularly sad to leave is the awesome restaurant we have just discovered. As if the food could have gotten any better. They even serve a cocktail called 'Bloody Hippy'. Chris Van der Poel, that one is for you.
In summary...
Highlights - The giant lizard, Larry the lizard, who lived in our room oh too briefly. Drinks and sunsets (not the death by chocolate cocktail - I was sorry about that the next day!).
Low lights - Our toilet getting blocked (and I mean blocked). Death by chocolate, see above.
Funny lights - Sea kayaking, including the trying to get in part (this was probably even funnier for the men watching us a laughing).